It’s not uncommon to become too busy to take care of regular backups, and you may eventually experience a catastrophic failure of your computer hardware and need data recovery from PC ASAP. Even if you have a schedule for data backup, you may experience data loss before you’ve had a chance to properly back up your information or media.

Unintentional loss of data is particularly common for small businesses who often don’t have access to extra backup servers or enough room to store everything in a remote cloud. Fortunately, it’s possible to recover deleted files, even if you pressed the “delete” key and emptied the trash.
Can I Recover My Deleted Computer Files?
You’d be amazed how much isn’t deleted when you press the delete key. Short of completely destroying your computer by tossing it off a roof, hard drive recovery is possible in virtually all circumstances, as long as purposeful damage (like total destruction) hasn’t occurred.
PC ASAP will assist with our data recovery services, as well as help you safeguard against data loss in the future.
You may need to use our data recovery services for a variety of different incidents that include:
- Destruction of your data by a computer virus or malware
- Failure of computer components that store data
- Natural disaster that harms your company’s computers
- Accidental deletion of a file
We can assist with data backup and recovery services whether your data was stored in an external hard drive that suddenly failed or was part of a system failure at your company. We’ve recovered data from all sorts of devices, and we can help with your computers, smartphones, external hard drives, laptops, and anything else that might have experienced data loss.
How Do You Safeguard Against Data Loss?
We’re always here for you with our data recovery services and hard drive recovery, but it’s important that you don’t rely on the recovery of your data as a failsafe for when something breaks, crashes, or s destroyed.
The best way to reduce data loss is to backup your data by following these important rules:
- Always create at least three copies of your data.
- Utilize at least two different types of storage media.
- Don’t store all copies at the same site.
In addition to following these three important rules, it’s also a good idea to engage in more than one type of backup schedule. Experts often suggest that you schedule a full system image backup at least once a month and incremental backups on a weekly or daily basis.
Count on PC ASAP for Data Recovery Services and Data Backup
Do you own a business in the North Dallas area? If you do, you’ll find that you’re quite convenient to visit our repair location in Dallas. Our expert technicians have handled all sorts of data loss and data backup duties from recovery of data from laptops that were dropped on cement to desktop computers that were ravaged by a ruthless computer virus.
We know it’s essential that your computer is in good, working condition and that you can access your data anytime you need it. If you require hard drive recovery or any type of data recovery services, contact our technicians to see how we can help. We’ll also create an effective data backup plan for your business to keep your data safe in the future.